
Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a list of our frequently asked questions that might help answer your query.
If you can’t find what you are looking for please contact us using the form below

General questions and answers

How can I find out more about Research collaboration opportunities?

Please visit the Offices section of our website and search for our locations near you to connect with an TAK Decor office. Contact information will be provided with your search results online, and you can reach out directly to the local office with your request. I am sure they would be glad to hear from you.

How can I contact TAK Decor public relations team?

Please email [email protected]. Based on the region and business line, the appropriate communications contact will reach out to you.

How can I be an TAK Decor supplier, vendor or subcontractor?

TAK DECOR PRIVATE LIMITED manages its supplier/vendor relations at a local level, thus if you do not have a contact already with our company, it would be best to reach out to one of our offices near you and work with that office to establish a relationship. Please visit our website and the Offices section where you can find your closest regional office to contact.

How can I find out the status of a payment or invoice?

Please reach out to [email protected].

Need assistance for limited English proficiency?

Contact us



You can Email us [email protected]

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